The most effective remedy for cockroaches in the apartment

Gel Great Warrior against cockroaches – developed by the Russian LLC “Vashe Khozyaystvo”, is produced in the form of a gel, the product is approved by the NIID Rosporebnadzor. It is used for disinsection by a contingent of sanitary services and the population at home. Helps get rid of cockroaches in a few days; a long residual effect protects against the penetration of new pests.

Types of funds

It is possible to divide gels into different categories if you subdivide them based on packaging and the active ingredient in the base.
Fipronil is the most effective among all other substances. The development of this insecticide took place to combat insects that are particularly resistant to insecticides and other types of synthetic composition. At this time, the ingredients are unknown to populations of cockroaches that have developed resistance to fipronil.

Preparations based on organic phosphorus, that is, neonicotinoids and pyrethroids, are often no less effective. If the situation cannot be called neglected, and insects have not adapted to various means, the effectiveness of the gels is quite high.

The gel is produced in the form of tubes or syringes. The second option is the most convenient, since the product is squeezed out without using extra effort. This is not very convenient compared to a syringe, and drops of the substance will still remain.

Differences between gels can vary widely, and price does not always have a direct impact on effectiveness.

Next, we will present the most popular and well-known products in the form of gels, which have reliably saved premises from cockroaches for many years.

Rating of the best cockroach repellents

We have selected here only the best and most reliable drugs that have a large number of positive customer reviews. The basis for their inclusion was the following parameters:

  • Safety of use for both animals and people;
  • Convenience of disinfestation;
  • Is the effect of the drugs strong?
  • Speed ​​of action and shelf life of the results obtained;
  • Versatility – is it suitable for killing bedbugs, ants, etc.;
  • Type – for use by professionals or at home;
  • Manufacturer country;
  • Release form for cockroach repellent;
  • Price;
  • Availability;
  • Method of application - spraying, lubrication, etc.

Insecticide "Global"

The German-made gel has an attractive chocolate smell. Based on the toxic properties of chlorpyrifos. "Global" remains active for 4 months. Affects the efficiency of transmission of nerve impulses in insects, as a result of which ants lose the ability to orient themselves in space.

Then strips of paper, cardboard, and plastic are cut 1.5-2 cm wide and 10-15 cm long. The composition is applied to the blanks in a thin layer and placed on areas where ants are likely to accumulate, along their migration routes around the apartment.

After two weeks, the treatment with Global is repeated. The packaging of the product is enough to treat 60 square meters of housing.

The ratio of the toxic substance is designed to affect the body of an insect, so there will be no harm from the Global gel to humans or animals if the product is used according to the instructions. The composition is also effective against cockroaches.

Liquid concentrate

Liquid concentrate, or emulsion concentrate (e.e.), is a convenient form for preparing liquid working solutions (r.r.). The functioning of the drugs is also based on the contact-intestinal principle of action.

The drug is diluted with water in the required concentration and applied to places where insects accumulate during the growing season. The prepared working solution should not be stored and should be used completely on the day of its preparation. Treatments are carried out in dry and windless weather by spraying with a working solution the places where ants accumulate and move. Or anthills, stumps, or other places where ants have established a colony are completely flooded.

To prepare r.r. the dosage is 1-5ml. for 10l. water according to instructions. Consumption rate 10 l/5 m2. for spraying, or 10-20 l. to flood an anthill or other habitat.

Ants die within 2-4 days after treatment. The protective effect of liquid preparations is up to 3 weeks; a single treatment is sufficient.

Hazard class for humans is third. Waiting period before harvesting is 30-40 days. Delivery time for manual work is 7 days.

Liquid concentrates for ants - examples of preparations

Advantages of liquid preparations:

  • allows you to immediately destroy entire colonies of ants along with their queen;
  • lack of addiction to drugs in insects (except for drugs containing malathion, for example “Karbofos”);
  • economical consumption and low cost of drugs;
  • Due to their selective action, the preparations are safe for beneficial soil bacteria.
11. "Aardeater k.e." (1ml ampoule, 10ml, 50ml, 500ml bottles) diazinon 60%
12. “Muracid” (1ml ampoule, 10ml bottles)diazinon 60%
13. “Doctor Klaus” (1 liter working solution with ejector or aerosol)alpha-cypermethrin
14. "Karbofos k.e." (ampoules 5ml, 10ml and bottles 0.25l., 0.5l., 1l.) malathion 10-50%
15. "Blockbuster XXI, e.g." (bottle 10ml) malathion 58%
16. "Cypermethrin, e.g." (bottle 50ml, 0.5l., 1l.) cypermethrin 25%

How to use

Instructions for use of the Great Warrior gel:

  1. Before treatment, it is recommended to clean the apartment and deprive cockroaches of sources of other food and water.
  2. Carry out the procedure with rubber gloves.
  3. One 45 g syringe covers approximately 10 square meters. m (50 mg/m²).
  4. The gel is applied in dotted lines of 2 cm at intervals of 5-6 cm. If the room is heavily infested, the intervals are reduced. For ease of disposal, the product is applied to cardboard substrates.
  5. Favorite places where insects accumulate are subject to treatment: the area near plumbing fixtures, trash cans, water and sewer pipes, baseboards, cracks.
  6. When finished, wash your hands and throw away the empty container. It is strictly forbidden to dispose of drug residues in wastewater.

If the drug gets on the skin, remove it with a swab soaked in a soda solution. If the insecticide gets into your eyes, rinse them with water, drip sodium sulfacite or novocaine solution. If it gets into the stomach, drink activated charcoal and call a doctor.

How to use gel against cockroaches: instructions

  • carry out a general cleaning of the house and thoroughly wash the places where cockroaches were noticed;
  • treat all surfaces with gel (you can use direct application of the product or pour it onto paper and cardboard strips);
  • distribute the drug using a point method in the form of a dotted line, leaving at least 3-7 cm between each point;
  • leave the substance to act for 1–2 months or more (see instructions).

Cardboard strips with gel make cleaning much easier once all the cockroaches have been killed.

Why the gel may not be effective

Even the best cockroach repellent will not help if they have free access to clean water and food. It is necessary to eliminate all leaks in the kitchen from the tap or pipes, regularly take out the trash can, do not leave food on the table or in the sink, and put special nets on windows and ventilation.

Safety precautions when working with gel insecticides

Be sure to remove children and animals from the premises before applying insecticides. Wear thick clothing, a respirator or mask, and remove food products from public access.

Make sure that the drug does not come into contact with mucous membranes and skin. If this happens, rinse your eyes or other affected areas thoroughly with water.

After cleaning the area, wash your hands with soap.

Gel Trap

“Trap Assault” - this is the full name of this product, it contains basic substances belonging to different classes:

  1. Diazinon (0.3%) is an organophosphorus type compound;
  2. Alpha-cypermethrin (0.05%) is a pyrethroid.

Achieving increased efficiency occurs due to the complex composition. As a result of use, poisoning occurs in cockroaches, even those that are resistant to cypermethrin and diazinon. The opposite phenomenon is also observed.

The Gel in form is sold in small tubes of 30, 50, 75 g. The cost of a 30 g tube is approximately 50 rubles. An incomplete analogue is Arsenal gel with the active ingredient exclusively diazinon.

Conditions of existence - distribution of roles

At first, the area of ​​the settlement does not exceed a couple of square centimeters, being located in books, under the floor or wallpaper, behind kitchen wall cabinets.

Subgroups of insects in one nesting site have specializations.

Every day, working representatives of the group leave their nests to search for food. The rest are obliged to constantly look after the “head” of the ant genus – the queen ant.

A clear distribution of roles allows the colony to live and reproduce for up to 15 years.

Pharaoh ants are omnivores. The food can be crumbs, plant and animal products, rotting organic matter and even other insects.

Gel Combat

Gel Combat attracted cockroaches with its aroma. The composition contained food additives. The active substance began to act within a few hours. The cockroach manages to bring poison to the nest, feed the larvae and other relatives. Duration of effect is 9 months.

The gel had the following advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • convenient use;
  • does not stain furniture or floors;
  • long-lasting protection effect;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • safety for humans and pets.

There were no disadvantages as such, with the exception of possible difficulties when cleaning the gel.

Composition and rules of use

The active component of the cockroach remedy Combat was hydramethylnon. A new generation insecticide affects the functioning of the nervous system, causing muscle paralysis and death. It belongs to the fourth hazard class; when used correctly, it does not affect human health and does not cause poisoning in domestic animals if ingested.

Gels Combat

The instructions for use included applying the gel in dotted lines every 20 cm.

Other forms of release

Other anti-cockroach drugs are produced under the name Combat:

  • aerosols;
  • traps.

The first ones are used for disinfestation of the premises. The traps are placed in special sections with a sticky base. Can be mounted in horizontal or vertical position. Inside there is a gel with poisonous components.


Gel baits from different manufacturers differ in the set of active components and duration of action. Effective remedies for cockroaches:

  • Absolute;
  • Clean house;
  • Raid;
  • Destructive force;
  • Brownie;
  • A great warrior;
  • Raptor;
  • chops;
  • Dohlox;
  • Trap.

Gel Combat is not produced, but no less effective Combat products are available in other forms.

Which brand of cockroach repellent should I buy?

This rating includes products from 5 different manufacturers that have a good reputation and mostly positive customer reviews. These include:

  • Rhone-Poulenc Agrosimi is a French company located in Lyon and which has become famous in the CIS, in particular, thanks to the release of the effective insect repellent Regent.
  • Dohlox – this brand creates traps and gels intended for use both in restaurants and at home. They have the best price-quality ratio.
  • Get - the company produces drugs for getting rid of pests in the apartment. All of them are certified and successfully tested in practice. One of the advantages of these products is that they do not leave marks on furniture and walls, and there is a long residual effect (on average, up to six months).
  • Clean Home - This brand offers a series of products to combat insects in the home. A special place in its line is occupied by aerosols, which are easy to use and show good results.
  • Agrovit - this company operates in Russia, it is known mainly as the manufacturer of the popular inexpensive pencil for eliminating insects “Mashenka”.

Here's what we can recommend:

  • If you need to eliminate not only these insects, but also, for example, bedbugs, the best choice would be a drug from the Get brand.
  • If there are a large number of “uninvited guests” in the house, “Regent” helps well.
  • If there are children and pets in the apartment, then it is best to buy Dohlox traps.
  • For the total treatment of large rooms, the “Clean House” aerosol is ideal.
  • If you need to quickly kill insects without spending a lot of money, you should choose the Mashenka chalk.

All of the options in this rating of the best cockroach repellents are worthy of buyers’ attention, and each of them wins in certain aspects. But in terms of effectiveness, they are all approximately the same, and since they are inexpensive, they can be tested by you without any problems.

Advantages of gel compositions and application features

The characteristics of the gels make it possible to reliably get rid of domestic ant colonies.

  • The action of the compositions is prolonged. Poisoning of an insect does not occur instantly, so the foraging ant manages to drop poison into the colony and infect all its fellows, including the queen.
  • The toxic ability of the active substance persists for 1-2 months.
  • The organoleptic properties of the bait are attractive to insects. House ants eat poison with great pleasure. This property ensures the targeted effect of the composition.

Gel insecticides are used indoors only. The compositions are applied in a drip path in areas of suspected insect colonies, as well as along areas of movement of foragers. Usually these are baseboards, plumbing communications, trash cans, furniture.

All compounds are poisonous. To prevent poisoning of children and pets, the poison formula includes vegetable bitters, which completely discourage the desire to join the ant “meal”.

Main advantages and disadvantages

Most experts attribute the following characteristics to the advantages of this drug:

  1. The gel has a low cost. This makes it possible to talk about the availability of the drug for all categories of buyers.
  2. Great Warrior belongs to the class of drugs that have maximum effectiveness in the fight against cockroaches.
  3. Convenient to use. You don't need any special skills to use it. Instructions right on the package.

This allows us to say that the gel is one of the most popular among similar products from other manufacturers. With the listed advantages of such a drug, do not forget that it also has a number of disadvantages, which can be characterized by the following points:

The gel has a very unpleasant odor, which certainly causes additional discomfort for apartment residents and their pets. Contains substances of toxic origin that can be hazardous to animal and human health

Therefore, premises should be treated with it in compliance with additional precautions. After this, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of pets coming into contact with the treated surface. Great Warrior Gel cannot be used for preventive treatment of an entire apartment or house.

The best sticky traps

Dohlox - this remedy for cockroaches can be called the best if the goal is not to instantly get rid of pests. It will be just right for fighting against insects if there are pets in the apartment, since it is completely safe for both them and humans. The effect from them is approximately the same as from the gel, only you don’t need to process anything, you just need to place the traps in the corners and collect them the next morning. True, it can take up to two weeks to destroy a large family.


  • Easy to use;
  • Safety for animals and people;
  • Number of traps in one package (6 pcs.);
  • Can be glued anywhere on the walls.


  • Slow results;
  • The effect does not apply to all pests;
  • You need to collect insects regularly.

Ways to deal with house ants

Today, in the variety of methods for exterminating insects, there are several possibilities.

  • Folk techniques. A poisonous bait is prepared using borax, yeast, boric acid and corn flour. However, the effect will only be at the initial stage of ant settlement. In most cases, they are not able to completely destroy the “infiltrators.”
  • Aerosols. The means are sprayed along the paths of movement of insects and points of possible localization of nests. If you manage to get to the colony, the entire settlement will die. But in general, the aerosol is an unimportant “warrior” against ants.
  • Insecticide powders. The products fall on the tips of the insects' legs. When the ant tries to clean itself, it gets poisoned. If he manages to crawl to the nest, the infection will be delivered to the entire family.
  • Gels. These developments appeared on the market not so long ago, but have already proven their effectiveness. Their advantage is that the gel is carried drop by drop by worker insects to the nest and completely affects the entire colony. The beauty of gels is that they act for a long time.

In getting rid of an ant invasion, the main thing is to neutralize the “queen” and destroy the nest, and without them both the working insects and the males will die. Getting to the settlement is extremely difficult, so the easiest way to deliver a poisonous potion is with the help of feeders.

Why are ants dangerous?

Whether or not to use ant gel is a standard doubt for most tenants. Owners of private houses do not have any remorse, because they know that creatures that are useful in nature are serious pests at home. But why?

Creatures that are useful in nature but serious pests at home

Ants are creatures that are beneficial under standard conditions:

  • destroy small insects;
  • remove garbage, food debris, flies and beetles;
  • spread the seeds of herbs and plants across the ground;
  • hard workers from whom it is worth following an example.

They live in colonies and never sleep. During the day they swarm and raise offspring, at night they strengthen their houses and set up a warehouse for supplies collected during a sunny day. But in a living space, their benefits are much less. Let's face it, more harm. This includes the presence of parasites on the paws, as well as other diseases. This also includes the ability of yellow ants to bite. And literally all types of ants damage human supplies:

  • grain and flour;
  • bread and finished products;
  • They especially love butter and milk.

Ants spread parasites on their legs, as well as other diseases.

With their appearance, you can’t keep anything edible on tables, shelves, or anywhere else in general. If you have a child, then be sure that there will definitely be insects in his toys, crib and things. Hence the bites and the appearance of allergic rashes. With the wrong approach, the struggle on your own drags on indefinitely.

Composition and effect of the drug

This cockroach gel contains two insecticides: 0.2% is diazinon and 0.3% is chlorpyrifos, the rest is food fillers. As a result of the fact that these two active substances enter into a chemical reaction, their negative effect on insects increases.

It attracts the attention of cockroaches with its special taste and, of course, appetizing smell. The product has a cascading effect

After an insect tastes the poison, it almost immediately infects its entire colony. Even the most persistent cockroaches are destroyed. Thanks to the lethal dose, they can be combated in a short time. According to people's reviews, it will take only 2-3 days to completely destroy the entire colony.

Characteristics, principle of operation

Great Warrior anti-cockroach gel is available in syringes weighing 45 g. Less common are tubes up to 100 g and plastic containers. It is a jelly-like mass of light yellow color without a pronounced odor. Used against cockroaches and ants: garden, domestic. It belongs to hazard class 4 and, when used correctly, does not pose a threat to human health. It is allowed to store unopened product for 2 years, at temperatures up to +35°C, away from food and children.

The composition is represented by active components - organophosphorus compounds, food and functional additives:

  • diazinon 0.2%;
  • chlorpyrifos 0.3%;
  • stabilizer;
  • bitrex;
  • preservative;
  • gelling agents;
  • fillers.

After cockroaches come into contact with the gel, the active substances penetrate the pest’s body, inhibit the functioning of the nervous system, causing paralysis and death within 24 hours.

On a note!

Thanks to the slow action of the poison, the carrier insects have time to infect other individuals from the nest. After a few days, the death of the entire colony is noted.

Gel Brownie

The full name of this famous gel against cockroaches and ants is “Brownie Proshka” or “Domovenok” with fipronil. If you use it correctly, then according to the instructions, complete death of cockroaches occurs 1-2 days after the product is applied to the surface.

The gel is supplied in a variety of packaging:

  • in the form of syringes, the volume of which is 10–50 ml;
  • in the form of tubes with a volume of 50–150 ml;
  • in the form of bottles with a volume of 50–200 ml;
  • in the form of plastic buckets with a volume of 0.5–3.5 liters, packaged for pest control services.

In order to rid the entire room of parasites, a 30 ml syringe will be enough, which is equivalent to 30 g of the substance.

Do the products really work?

Gel for killing ants is quite popular, every housewife or builder has struggled with a similar scourge at least once, so you can find customer reviews on the Internet.

Most opinions agree that the drug is highly effective, and the large bottle and relatively low price are a pleasant bonus.

You can also find negative opinions. Some complain that after application, insects begin to behave more actively, smelling a tasty smell. This result is quite possible; in the end, the drug will still relieve you of the pest problem that has arisen.

Danger of ants to humans

Despite their harmless appearance and impressive organization of life, house ants are dangerous parasites and pests for humans. What is their harm?

  • Crawling from garbage to food, they carry pathogens of intestinal infections, helminth eggs and many other nasty things no less than flies and cockroaches.
  • They spoil kilograms of food: it is not possible to remove an ant that has crawled into flour or cereal. Moreover, there are probably several dozen of his relatives there. We have to throw away supplies.
  • There is a frightening theoretical assumption about the possibility of a house ant crawling into the ear canal of infants, and even just sleeping adults, if the apartment is infested with these parasites.

So there’s no point in delaying getting rid of your unpleasant neighborhood.


The Absolute gel is based on chlorperifos, a very common poison used to combat various insects. It is safe for humans, but if the paste gets into your mouth, you must immediately wash off the contamination with running water.

By the way, the “plus” is that this gel can be used in children’s institutions, which indicates a fairly high level of harmlessness. The effect of the poison is slow; before death, the insect will have time to infect the entire anthill, including the uterus.

The preventive effect lasts for about 2 months, but after its completion, re-treatment should be carried out. It has no odor as such, but the gel attracts ants. The product costs 250-300 rubles, but a kilogram package can be purchased for 1200 rubles.


Ants really like this gel and eat it with pleasure. And, of course, they die after that. It’s fast and painful, which is especially pleasing. Long-term exposure was limited to 2 months, after which the ants returned. I processed it again until there was silence.

Alexey, Astrakhan

Preparatory activities and room treatment

Treating an apartment with “Great Warrior” gel does not require any special preparatory work. All you need to do is light wet cleaning of the room. It is recommended to treat an apartment against cockroaches in the following sequence:

before starting work on the destruction of Prussians, you should carefully read the instructions for its use; to increase the toxicity of the drug and increase its attractiveness to insects, you need to knead the tube in your hand; The gel should be applied to all places without exception where there are clusters of barbels. The Prussians, having found the fragrant bait, begin to eat it, after which they return to their places of deployment and there infect other individuals; the product should be distributed in a thin dotted line

The lines are drawn at a distance of approximately 3 centimeters from each other; if the colony of Prussians is not very large, then the distance between the lines is increased; During disinfection work, the greatest attention should be paid to surfaces near the baseboards and cracks in the apartment. You should also treat areas near the trash can, toilet, sink and ventilation duct

This is where barbels most often hide. Thanks to the thin tip, the gel can be easily applied into any cracks on the walls or floor; It is imperative to distribute the gel near all sources of water, since without it the Prussians will not survive for more than a week; as insects eat the gel, its layer needs to be renewed approximately every three weeks; It is better not to use the “Great Warrior” product for more than one month, since over time the cockroach adapts to the ingredients of the drug. It is recommended to use it in turn with other insecticides made on the basis of other active ingredients; To create a barrier that protects the apartment from the penetration of new parasites, it is recommended to apply the gel in a continuous line along the entire perimeter of the room. This is not a mandatory procedure, but it significantly increases the effectiveness of the preventive effect of the insecticide.

Tatyana, Saransk:

“Some time ago we moved to a new apartment. And imagine our surprise when we saw that a whole colony of Prussians was living with us. We immediately began to destroy them, purchasing the “Great Warrior” gel on the recommendation of friends. While we were processing the children and the dog, we took them to their parents. The apartment was treated with gel as indicated in the attached instructions. Soon we were sweeping up piles of dead longhorned beetles. Corpses appeared every day, and we thought that our troubles had come to an end. But, after some time, cockroaches began to appear again, and we had to look for a stronger remedy. Yes, the gel is good, but only as a preventive measure! Unfortunately, he cannot cope with a severe infection.”

Advantages of the product

The main positive quality of the drug is that it affects all individuals, including those that do not leave the walls of the anthill. Other advantages include the following:

  1. The Great Warrior ant syringe is inexpensive and can be found in any hardware store.
  2. A convenient dispenser allows you to use poison in hard-to-reach places.
  3. The substance has no pungent odor and does not release dangerous toxins into the environment.
  4. Ant repellent gel has a long shelf life of two years.
  5. The Great Warrior destroys not only ants. It is effective against Prussians.

Many people like the product because it does not affect the respiratory tract of humans and animals. It is easy to apply and remove. The gel itself can be placed on small pieces of cardboard.

Recommendations for use of the product

The “Great Warrior” gel against ants, reviews of which indicate the high effectiveness and benefits of the composition, is recommended for use after reading the instructions. All points stated in it must be strictly observed.

The instructions state that the gel should be applied around the perimeter of the room, as well as along the expected paths of movement of ants. The gel lines should be intermittent, and if the surface has not been previously treated, then their length should be 5-6 cm. If treatment with the “Great Warrior” product has already been carried out, then the size of the line is reduced to 2 cm.

It is not recommended to wet the gel strips with water or allow dust to settle on them. 24-36 hours after applying the composition, the ants will leave the home. As for repeating the treatment, it should be done in cases where the product was washed off earlier than it should have been or did not have the desired effect and many ants remained alive. In general, repeated treatment with a chemical should be carried out no earlier than 1 month after the first.

Mechanism of operation

How does a cockroach gel or product work against ants and other insects?

Droplets of gel, applied to the surface where pests often appear, emit an alluring aroma. The ants, who arrived in time for lunch, gorge themselves on the unexpectedly appeared tasty treat. Chemical elements begin to act on their gastrointestinal tract, corroding it. The parasites die a few days after the dose is eaten.

Returning to the nest, the insect carries with it particles of poison that have stuck to it, thus spreading the toxic substance throughout the entire colony.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Like all insecticidal preparations, “Great Warrior” has its pros and cons. To provide information in a convenient form, we provide the table below.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of the “Great Warrior” ant repellent gel.

insects themselves run to the poison, thanks to the well-thought-out composition of the product;use on open ground requires repeated renewal of the product, since there is a possibility of the gel being washed off under the influence of natural factors;
acts not only on individual individuals, but also affects the entire family, including the uterus;improper use of the gel promises poisoning due to high toxicity;
it is impossible to adapt to the components of the drug: one enhances the effect of the other, seizing the initiative to destroy;Complete extermination of insects is not possible if they can easily enter the house (it is advisable to use with various traps that are placed near entrance doors, window openings and other cracks).
after application, the gel does not lose its appearance, does not dry out, the effect lasts 60 days;
reasonable price (up to 60 rubles) and availability in stores;
2-year shelf life;
there is no unpleasant odor, no dangerous toxins are released into the environment;
shows effectiveness not only against ants, but also cockroaches;
convenient packaging in the form of a syringe allows you to use the gel where there is no access to the human hand;
14 days are enough to clear your house of insects.

Disadvantages of the drug

It is quite difficult to find an ideal drug that does not have any disadvantages. The emulsion in a tube has no obvious disadvantages, but there are some negative nuances.

  • It will not be possible to treat the entire room completely, but often there is no need to sanitize the entire apartment or house; it is enough to apply the substance to the insect habitats.
  • The anti-ant product contains dangerous poisons, so if there are small children at home, you need to make sure that there is no access to the emulsion, they do not come into contact with it, and do not put it into their mouths.
  • If insects are provided with constant access to the home, then the treatment will have to be carried out several times.

If the applied substance does not have the desired effect, then the reason for this may be the expiration date or the purchase of a low-quality, counterfeit gel.

Form and composition of the "Great Warrior"

The gel with such a pathetic name is produced in the form of a tube resembling a syringe with a long thin spout. The tube is packed in a cardboard box, which contains information about the composition and instructions for use. This packaging greatly simplifies the process of applying the gel to hard-to-reach places and allows you to squeeze out exactly the amount you need - no more, no less.

There are two syringe volumes - 30 and 45 ml. This is quite enough to process a standard apartment. However, with a large colony population, it makes sense to increase the consumption of the product - fortunately, it is relatively inexpensive.

The “Great Warrior” formula is based on the substance chlorpyrifos. This is a modern contact insecticide that is used in many products against cockroaches, woodlice, ants and other types of synanthropic insects.

In addition to chlorpyrifos, the gel formula contains a fatty base, a preservative and a food additive or flavoring. The preservative preserves the activity of the components, the fatty base prevents rapid drying, so the gel remains effective even several weeks after application. And the food additive attracts insects with its smell, forcing them to feast on the poison.

How does the “Great Warrior” work?

The contact type of exposure to chlorpyrifos means that the poison destroys the insect after physical contact. A cockroach can eat a little of the gel or simply get dirty in it and then swallow some part during the washing process. After the poison enters the digestive tract, it travels with lymph throughout the body, blocking the transmission of nerve impulses. As a result, complete paralysis occurs and the Prussian dies.

great warrior against cockroaches

The “Great Warrior” destroys the Prussians using the domino principle. After one individual has tasted a poisonous treat, it does not die, but lives for some time. This is necessary so that the cockroach has time to enter the nest and infect several more of its fellows. And so, along the chain, the entire colony dies out.

In addition, a cockroach poisoned with chlorpyrifos itself becomes poison for other individuals. As you know, Prussians are guilty of necrophagy, that is, they eat their dead brothers. So, eating a relative who died from chlorpyrifos, the Prussians themselves die.

How to use the heroic power of the “Great Warrior”?

It wasn’t me who fell into colorful epithets, it was the marketers who wrote on the packaging of the gel – “heroic blow.” Let's figure out how to direct this powerhouse in the direction we need.

Preparing the apartment for processing

Before applying the gel, you need to spend a little time and prepare the apartment:

  • collect dust and crumbs with a vacuum cleaner or damp cloth;
  • move upholstered furniture away from the walls;
  • remove paintings and photographs from the walls.

These simple steps will help us apply the gel to all strategically important places and hit the enemy from all sides.


This paste smells like apricot and vanilla, very attractive! But the same smell can attract pets, even though they don’t really like sweets. But children, oddly enough, avoid the treated areas. The action is prolonged, that is, the ants have time to bring the poison to the nest before dying.

A distinctive feature of the gel against Raptor ants is that it can act on eggs. Even if some of the ants survive (and they will survive, since the insecticide is quite weak), then new individuals will never be able to be born.

The tube is very convenient to use - a special nozzle allows you to apply the paste in thin strips, saving product. The cost of the drug is 300 rubles.


At first they tried to dissuade me from Raptor, but I’m stubborn and decided to buy it. And I didn’t regret it. The effect is quick, prevention lasts for a month. The drug smells very pleasant, but does not whet the appetite. The entire ant population has disappeared, I am completely satisfied with the result!

Ekaterina, Nizhny Novgorod


Reviews about the Great Warrior are mostly positive and confirm its destructive abilities against cockroaches and ants.

On the advice of a friend, I bought the Great Warrior gel. Applied according to instructions. At first it seemed that there were more cockroaches. They crawled lethargically around the kitchen, apparently the poison had such an effect on them that they could not get to their hiding places. But after 5 days they disappeared completely.

Veronica, Pavlograd

A good and very budget-friendly product. Only 50 rubles - and no cockroaches after 3 days. I recommend to everyone.

Arthur, Ivanovo

It took me a long time to take the remedy for cockroaches. The consultant advised to pay attention to the Great Warrior gel. I decided to buy it and did not regret it. I spent 5 minutes on treatment, 55 rubles on the gel - and after a week I forgot about the Prussians.

Great warrior from ants - composition and action

Available in a 30 g tube with a dispenser syringe. This amount is enough to treat a room of 40–60 square meters. m. Very easy to use. Open and squeeze out the product.

The composition includes two insecticides:

  1. chlorpyrifos – 0.3%;
  2. diazinon – 0.2%.

Additional components:

  1. preservatives;
  2. gelling agent;
  3. bitrex;
  4. food fillers.

This combination of active components was invented for a reason. Ants eventually develop immunity against poisons. For this reason, strong chemicals are ineffective. If one insecticide doesn't work, the second one will take effect. In addition, they complement each other’s action, thereby doubling the effectiveness.

Poisons have a long-lasting intestinal effect. There is no immediate death of insects. The poison acts gradually. The lethal dose is a few milligrams.

Most insects avoid scattered poison, hide from sprays and aerosols, and feel calm in the vicinity of it. Manufacturers took this point into account and added substances to the composition that are capable of luring them. Now you don’t need to chase insects with poison - they will come running to it themselves.

Ants willingly eat the bait and take it with them to the nest. They feed others. Suspecting nothing, they feed on all the offspring. After a couple of days, the entire colony becomes infected. Death is inevitable. Over the next 2-3 days, dead insects begin to appear.

After 1–2 weeks, it is possible to completely clear the room of pests.

How to use the product

The product is applied in dotted lines wherever insects were noticed, along their paths and routes of entry into an apartment or house. Don’t miss baseboards, cracks, gaps under peeling wallpaper, “warm spots” around radiators and water pipes, centers of food attraction - sinks, trash cans, grocery shelves.

If there are a lot of insects, the recommended frequency of dotted lines (2 cm) is every 6 cm. If the number is small, you can increase the intervals to 8 cm. The gel does not leave marks on the floor, but if it is more convenient to use substrates, it is permissible to apply 30-50 mg of the product and place in areas of maximum accumulation.

If you are treating a country house for ants, do not forget to apply the gel outside - along the perimeter of the lower part of the building. For any method of application, re-treatment is advisable no earlier than after 2 weeks.

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