The drug Vofatox is an excellent remedy for cockroaches and mole crickets

Cockroaches running around in the kitchen cause, at a minimum, disgust! They look disgusting, spoil food, and even cause infections. dangerous ones are spread.

These pests must be combated, and radically and decisively. Some widely advertised remedies cope well with the scourge, others are completely ineffective.

One of the options to solve the problem is Votafox . Reviews say that cockroaches die out in colonies from it. Is it true?

Composition and release form

The products are packaged in 5 gram bags. The contents must be diluted in water to prepare a solution or used to season crumbly porridges. Let’s say right away that this drug is more focused on fighting garden pests, especially mole crickets, but it also works well against kitchen parasites. However, some buyers even use it outdoors to fight cockroaches - Votafox is very poisonous.

The main toxic substances are imidacloprid and bifenthrin . They penetrate the body both through the chitinous layer and through the intestinal route. There is no difference from the route of entry of the poison; in any case, the insect’s nervous system is affected, the respiratory center is blocked, resulting in paralysis and death from suffocation. By the way, although the drug acts quickly, the cockroach manages to spread the “treat” to its relatives on its paws before dying, so that no one will find it enough!


An effective, brightly colored granular insecticide designed to kill pests living in the soil. These include mole crickets, beetleworm larvae, and wireworms.

Release form

This medicine for mole crickets consists of red and green granules placed in waterproof bags. Weight - 100 g.

Chemical composition

The main substance is malathion 50 g/kg.

Mechanism of action Once in the insect's body, malathion is converted into a physiologically active substance with a very high toxic ability.

With frequent use of the product, insects begin to develop resistance to malathion. The body of such pests develops the ability to destroy the chemical, turning it into a non-toxic compound.

Duration of action

Death occurs 3 hours after the drug enters the mole cricket’s body. The duration of toxic activity is up to 20 days after placement in the ground.

Compatibility with other drugs

Malathion, among other organophosphorus compounds, combines well with most known insecticides and fungicides.

When to use?

The first laying of granules is carried out 8-10 days before planting seedlings and sowing seeds in moist soil. It is advisable to carry out the procedure after rain or shortly before it starts.

Mode of application

The poison from the mole cricket is placed in grooves or holes up to 5 cm deep, placing Rubit in the places most often visited by the mole cricket - heaps of manure and compost, beds and holes, row spacing, tree trunk circles. The granules are covered with earth on top. The consumption rate is 6-10 g every half meter.


Rubit is a moderately toxic substance, belonging to class 3 hazard for people, mammals and birds.

The mole cricket is extremely voracious and she doesn’t care at all about how much work and effort we put into our dacha affairs. Read the advice of our experts on effective methods of combating this insect, including folk remedies.

Instructions for use

First you need to prepare the room (in fact, it is not recommended to use it in residential buildings, but if precautions are taken, it is allowed):

  • We do general cleaning;
  • we move the furniture away from the walls (there are large concentrations of pests there);
  • we turn all animals out the door (the same applies to plants and children);
  • close the windows tightly.

Don't forget to stay safe! You will need a mask, safety glasses and gloves. However, the ideal protection against Votafox is a gas mask and full overalls.

Depending on the degree of cockroach infestation, you need to dilute 5 or 10 grams of the drug in a liter of warm water. Next, the solution is poured into a spray bottle, problem surfaces are sprayed:

  • area of ​​the trash can and kitchen sink;
  • skirting boards;
  • ventilation grates;
  • door jambs.

In the case of seasoning porridge, the technique is as follows: the finished product is securely wrapped in a towel for 30 minutes (this is necessary for friability), after which the preparation is mixed into it. Please note that 1 kilogram of cereal requires 20 ml of Votafox . By the way, with this method of application, the toxicity of the insecticide is somewhat reduced .

After treating the room with Votafox, the preventive effect will be noticeable for some time - approximately 45 days. It will be somewhat weaker if you regularly wet clean the room, but small droplets of the solution will remain even in this case.


This remedy against mole crickets has a very wide range of effects on most pests living in the soil.
A reliable and proven drug that is guaranteed to destroy mole crickets.

Release form

Granules placed in a waterproof bag. Packaging: 100g.

Chemical composition

The main substance is diazinon at a concentration of 40 g/l.

Mechanism of action

Neurotoxic properties lead to paralysis of the mole cricket's limbs. This occurs due to the blocking of the enzyme cholinesterase, which is involved in the transmission of impulses in the nervous system.

The enzyme should cause hydrolysis of free acetylcholine, which instead begins to accumulate in the synaptic opening, interfering with the passage of impulses.

Methods of entry into the body: intestinal, systemic and contact. If you constantly use this drug, you can get mole crickets that have developed resistance to its effects.

Duration of action

The period of plant protection from mole cricket lasts at least 13-15 days. At this time, diazinon gradually enters the plants through the root system.

Compatibility with other drugs

Diazinon combines well with herbicides and fungicides. Water emulsion is actively used in tank mixtures.

When to use?

It is preferable to apply the insecticide before rain. Other weather conditions do not play a special role. Granules are applied when planting and then during any growing season.

The exception is strawberries and wild strawberries - the drug to protect them is placed in the soil after harvesting.

Mode of application

Terradox granules are intended for application into the soil. Directly in the beds or between rows, holes or grooves 2-4 cm deep are made, into which insecticidal granules are placed.

20-25 g of the drug are consumed per 10 square meters of area. During the season, you can do 2 treatments with a break of 2 months.


Terradox is classified as hazard class 3, as a drug with low toxicity to animals, bees and people.

Precautionary measures

Do not forget that Votafox is very poisonous. Even a small amount of the drug that enters the esophagus of a warm-blooded animal can cause severe poisoning. Therefore, for several hours after finishing working with the drug, you need to monitor your well-being . Signs of Votafox poisoning:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stomach ache;
  • headache;
  • loss of consciousness.

If you suddenly feel these symptoms, immediately it is difficult to cope with the effects of this drug on your own .

Preparing the product yourself

Everyone asks the question - how to effectively poison mole crickets without negative consequences for themselves and their garden crops. Mole cricket poison is sold ready-made, or you can prepare it yourself.

The simplest, most accessible and no less effective version of a toxic substance is boric acid. A tasteless and odorless substance can be bought at a pharmacy in the form of a solution or in a specialized store as a powder. Boric acid penetrates the integument of insects, but has a greater effect when it enters the stomach.

Do-it-yourself mole cricket poison acts on the insect’s nervous system, blocks nerve impulses, causes paralysis, followed by inevitable death. Retains properties for 2 weeks, then neutralizes under the influence of light and ambient temperature.

Boric acid from mole crickets The effect of use can be noticed 2 weeks after applying the poison. The toxic substance accumulates in the pest’s body and, when a lethal dose is reached, leads to an irreversible result. Since the poison is eaten by an adult insect and fed to the larvae, a chain reaction and mass death of mole crickets is observed.


I regularly treat my dacha plot against mole crickets and other garden pests with this drug. Some time ago I noticed that Votafox does an excellent job of killing cockroaches. Now he also began to exterminate them in the house. The effect is amazing - they die out within a few days and do not return for 2-3 months.

Dmitry, Tambov

I season the millet porridge with Votafox and spread it around the apartment. I won’t say that this is a very strong poison; once my cat licked the bait and remained alive. The drug hits cockroaches powerfully and mercilessly - they die out in a couple of days. I recommend!

Olga, Lipetsk

Spraying with Votafox did not bring any results. The rest of the money was “invested” in porridge, spread around the apartment. And here Votafox started working! Cockroaches flocked to the pleasant smell of the drug in droves, ate, and ran back. And two days later I began to find piles of cockroach corpses - a very pleasant sight!

Sergey, Kronstadt.

What to eat in the garden

The mole cricket is a predator that eats worms and other insects. For example, when mole crickets are kept in captivity (yes, this also happens), they do not eat tubers and berries well, but you won’t be able to pull them away by the ears from chopped meat and crustacean fish food.

Your seedlings simply interfere with their underground passage. The insect gnaws through the delicate roots with its powerful mouthparts and moves on.

The roots of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, cabbage, peppers, and berry bushes are damaged. Tubers of carrots, beets, and potatoes are disfigured by tunnels. It conducts its destructive activity from May to August. It is worth noting that the mole cricket cannot tolerate odorous plants - garlic, parsley, calendula, marigolds, and alder and avoids them.

Fighting a mole cricket

Medvedka is the scourge of many garden plots. Gardeners have been fighting the pest for a very long time and sometimes unsuccessfully. It is almost impossible to reduce the number of insects using folk remedies. Only by using pesticides can planted vegetable and fruit crops be saved from spoilage.

Mole cricket in the garden

For these purposes, the excellent insecticide Votafox against mole crickets is suitable, since the drug is capable of killing harmful insects even in the stage of larvae, nymphs and adults. The affected nervous system and blocked impulses cause paralysis and subsequent death of the pest.

An effective drug can be used as bait and a completely simple recipe is prepared for this:

  1. One kilogram of the cheapest cereal is boiled and cooled.
  2. Twenty grams of insecticide should be dissolved in one hundred grams of water and left for half an hour.
  3. The prepared solution is mixed with the cooked cereal.
  4. Forty milliliters of vegetable oil are fried and added to the bait, enhancing its aromatic properties.
  5. The bait is placed in the ground when planting plants. You can also scatter the porridge around the bushes of tuberous and vegetable crops, but the mixture should be covered with a light layer of soil, without attracting birds.

If all the recommendations in the instructions are followed, then the chemical will not cause harm to humans or the environment.

Preparing the bait

To destroy mole crickets, the gardener needs to prepare bait, which is mixed with an aqueous solution of the product. First you need to cook porridge from any cereal. Mole crickets eat this dish with greater pleasure than leaves and roots of plants.

After the porridge has cooled, you need to add a solution of Vofatox, prepared from 10 grams. of the drug and 3 liters of water, and two or three tablespoons of toasted sunflower oil, the aroma of which attracts the mole cricket.

The porridge for bait must be well boiled so that the aqueous solution of Wofatox saturates the porridge through and through. After this, everything needs to be mixed well.

This mass can be added to holes prepared for seedlings, or to holes for planting potatoes. The second way is to spread the bait around the roots of the plants at a depth of 10 cm and sprinkle with soil.

Alternatively, you can make grooves along the rows of plants 15 cm deep, roll the porridge into balls and place them at a short distance from each other.

The mole cricket looks like a real monster: terrifying front paws with “claws”, a mobile body about 7 cm long, ending with three incomprehensible processes. Nature did not give this insect such a terrible appearance in order to scare the gardener. Strong and flexible segments and powerful front paws are ideally suited for digging passages in any hard soil. Plant roots, potato tubers or beet balls get in the way - everything will be chewed through by powerful jaws. Sometimes it happens that the owner comes to his beds and sees: young, recently appeared shoots lying as if some villain had cut them off with scissors. Such harm is also the work of the mole cricket. The insect has an excellent sense of smell and can smell its favorite food from afar. The developers took this feature into account when releasing the drug Medvetox.

The drug Vofatox, 20g.

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In our store you can buy an effective drug to combat mole crickets.

Vofatox is a contact insecticide-acaricide, effectively used in household plots against a complex of soil pests on potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, trees (seedlings) and other agricultural crops.

Benefits of Vofatox:

  • The product has a wide spectrum of action
  • Shows effective action at the main stages of pest development: larvae, adults
  • Has a long period of protective action. Resistant to rain wash-off
  • No phytotoxicity, safe for crops when used as recommended.

Bait preparation:

  • Cook crumbly porridge from any cereal (corn, pearl barley, millet, etc.).
  • Pour boiling water over the cereal, bring to a boil, then under the pillow for 30-40 minutes. In such porridge, each grain will separate.
  • The porridge has cooled down, it is seasoned with VOFATOX at the rate of 20 ml of the drug per 1 kg of cereal.
  • VOFATOX is pre-dissolved in a small amount (100-200 ml) of water with repeated stirring.
  • The poison solution is poured out and left for 20-30 minutes so that it is evenly absorbed into the porridge grains.
  • Before using the bait, add 2-3 tablespoons of fried sunflower oil or thicker oil to attract the mole cricket by smell. And again the bait is mixed well.
  • The planted seedlings are first watered abundantly with water, and then bait is sprinkled around (10-15 grains of porridge are enough to kill several mole crickets).
  • To avoid the death of birds, the bait must be sprinkled with earth to a depth of 1.5-2 cm.
  • The bait can be placed in holes when planting potatoes, and in furrows when sowing root crop seeds and in pest holes in beds of perennial vegetable crops.
  • The bait can be stored in a cool place for no more than three days.

Experience using the drug Vofatox.

SunflowerMeadow moth, bugs, aphids, weevils, sandworm, cutworms
Apple tree, pear treeCodling moths, leaf-eating caterpillars, moths, moths, glass moths, weevils, mites, copperheads, aphids, scale insects, false scale insects, etc.
Plum, cherryWeevils, mites, leaf rollers, cherry flies, sawflies, codling moths, aphids, scale insects, false scale insects, etc.
Currants, gooseberriesGall midges, leaf rollers, mites, aphids, mole crickets, etc.
StrawberriesWhitefly, weevils, mites, leaf beetles, moths, sawflies, mole crickets.

Consumption rate and method of use of the drug Vofatox. The contents of the ampoule are diluted into 5-10 liters. water, the working solution is sprayed on plants during the growing season before flowering and after harvesting. When fighting mole crickets, the drug is applied to the soil during planting of seedlings, tubers, etc.

Also available: Wofatox 5g

Assortment of drugs to combat mole crickets (kapustyanka)

  • Rembek, cereal, 10kg.
  • Rembek granule, 5kg.
  • Rembek, from the bear, 360g.
  • RembeK (RembeK), 220g.
  • Rembek Super, 150g.
  • RembeK (RembeK), 125g.
  • Rembek Granule, 110g.
  • Boverin remedy
  • The drug Vofatox
  • Antimedvedka, microgranules, 300g.
  • Antimedvedka, microgranules, 150g.
  • Antimedvedka, granules, 120g.
  • Antimedvedka, granules, 250g.
  • The drug Medvetox
  • The drug Medvecid
  • Product Rubit Medvedka

Effective products to protect your home, garden, and vegetable garden at a fair price!

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Fighting cockroaches

Without a doubt, there are few fans of such creatures as cockroaches. These insects only cause disgust and disgust in people. They have a repulsive appearance, spoil food and are carriers of many infectious diseases.

Fighting cockroaches

When unpleasant creatures first appear in the house, you should immediately begin to fight. The best means for extermination is Votafox for cockroaches. This insecticide has no competition, as it has proven itself only on the positive side. It has very high characteristics and the ability to destroy domestic parasites in colonies.

The drug is very poisonous. Entering the insect's body through the chitinous layer or with food, it blocks the respiratory tract, after which paralysis and death from suffocation occur. Before dying, the cockroach carries a poisonous substance on its legs into the nest and kills the rest of its kind.

But of course, before you start exterminating parasites, you should carry out some preparatory measures

Votafox has a very high toxicity and it is necessary to take all precautions and protect yourself from harmful consequences

Before treatment, the room is thoroughly cleaned. Furniture pieces move away from the walls. Pets, children and other family members are removed from the home. Flower crops are removed to a safe distance from the main epicenter of processing. The windows are tightly covered, as drafts are unacceptable during this period.

Preparing for disinfestation

It is very important to use all protective measures. It is necessary to wear thick, non-toxic clothing, rubber gloves, a protective mask and goggles

The drug should be diluted based on the volume of the room being treated. Five to ten grams of the drug are diluted in one liter of warm liquid. The composition is placed in a sprayer and processed:

  • The surfaces of the baseboards and all the cracks between them.
  • Grilles covering ventilation openings.
  • All available spaces in the area of ​​the kitchen sink and gas stove.
  • Door jambs and doors.

You can use a method that is more harmless to humans and prepare exterminating food. For this method, you should cook the crumbly porridge and wrap it in a warm cloth and leave it for half an hour. Next, the chemical is added to the cooked infused cereal and mixed.

Corn porridge balls against cockroaches

One kilogram of finished porridge will require twenty milliliters of liquid Votafox. The prepared treat is laid out at the expected points of accumulation of cockroaches, in places where their paths and paths pass.

After a very short period of time, the results of the measures taken to destroy insects will be noticeable, since even after daily wet cleaning, the action of the insecticide does not stop and spreads its destructive properties for quite a long time.

After completing the activities, you should carefully monitor your well-being, as a toxic drug can cause: nausea, headache, discomfort in the stomach. If all of the above symptoms occur, you should seek medical help.

If you need to get rid of mole crickets or cockroaches, Votafox is an excellent solution; instructions for use will inform the consumer in a very accessible form about the purpose of the drug and its properties.

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