Cold and hot mist for cockroaches, which is better and what to choose

When cockroaches appear in an apartment, people immediately buy crayons, aerosols, traps and other drugs against them in stores. Unfortunately, over the years insects have developed resistance to the products; they are useless and only accelerate their reproduction. The right decision would be to call a pest control service that uses fog to kill cockroaches. Can be used hot or cold. The process is not complicated, but quite effective. After treating the room in this way, the cockroaches will disappear immediately.

Ways of penetration of cockroaches

Where and why do cockroaches come from? There are plenty of ways for parasites to enter a residential area.

Insects can leave their previous home after persecution or enter the apartment through garbage chutes, ventilation ducts or through existing cracks. If the conditions of stay turn out to be favorable (plenty of food and drink, comfortable temperature, the presence of secluded corners), cockroaches will happily continue to live and breed in a new place.

An uncleaned table, a dirty trash can, exposed food, a wet sink, a small puddle on the stove or a leaking tap are factors that encourage cockroaches to firmly establish themselves in an apartment with such “ideal” conditions.

If there are cockroaches at home

If you find these insects in your apartment, you should urgently begin to fight them. Firstly, you need to put things in order by carrying out general cleaning or minor repairs. This is especially true for the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. It is also necessary to get rid of deposits of old trash, you should take out the trash can every day, do not leave food open on the table, and wipe the sink dry at night.

In order to destroy pests throughout the apartment, you need to lay out crayons, scatter powders, and use special aerosols and traps. However, treating the room with conventional chemicals may help in the short term; After a short time, the parasites again occupy the already inhabited space, crawling out of cracks, air ducts, baseboards and other inaccessible places. It is quite logical that after the ineffectiveness of the treatments carried out, the question will arise: “What helps against cockroaches?” What substance is capable of penetrating into the smallest cracks, settling on any surface and destroying indoor pests, their clutches of eggs and larvae? This is steam. After its all-pervasive effect, apartment cockroaches do not have the slightest chance of survival.

Precautionary measures

When using the cold treatment method to kill cockroaches, you need to understand: the work is carried out using powerful toxic substances: they belong to hazard class 2-3. If handled carelessly, dangerous toxic components can harm even humans. This is possible both by inhaling a finely dispersed mixture and by contact with the surface being treated. For safe processing, follow the recommendations of specialists. This will reduce the risks of self-processing and provide a high positive effect:

  • Work is carried out in appropriate safety equipment. There should not be a single exposed area of ​​the body. The face should be covered with a protective mask and the eyes with goggles. Clothes are long trousers, a maximally closed jacket made of waterproof material with elastic bands at the cuffs. A scarf, a hat or a cloth-tightening hood is put on the head. The optimal shoes are high lace-up boots. There are gloves on his hands.
  • After the apartment is treated, it is left hermetically sealed for at least 4-5 hours, if possible for a longer time. Next, you should return for a few minutes to open the windows wide and ventilate the room. It would be ideal if you can organize cross-ventilation. General recommendation: do not return home for about a day.
  • Performing general cleaning. You can do all the work yourself or use the services of a cleaning company. The latter option is preferable both in terms of quality and speed of work. For wet cleaning, you should use reliable detergents. All surfaces are wiped repeatedly.

This method of removing cockroaches is quite labor-intensive and requires time and effort. But the result can exceed expectations - no annoying “tenants”, perfect cleanliness of the house. Hiring the services of professionals involved in home and industrial extermination of these pests will simplify the work and show better results.

Do you want to maintain the achieved effect for a long time? Protect your home from access by new individuals. Install small mesh on the ventilation shafts, treat the baseboards, seal all possible cracks, check the tightness of the sealing rubber on the doors. Relevant recommendations will be provided by specialists from companies performing processing with a guarantee.

Fog against cockroaches

Destruction of cockroaches with fog is an effective method of combating indoor insects, which involves the use of special generators in the treated room, which, under the influence of temperature and pressure, release microparticles of a specially prepared solution into the space.

The action of such modern high-tech equipment is similar to high-power aerosol treatment and can be performed either hot or cold, low-toxic and completely safe for humans. A solution containing water and an insecticidal preparation turns into tiny droplets that are able to penetrate into inaccessible places and settle on their surface. The effectiveness of the action in all respects is many times greater than the use of any highly effective sprays, as it significantly saves time and effort.

Instead of slowly spraying the working solution from a conventional spray bottle, you can do the same work many times faster and with an order of magnitude better quality using special equipment.

Destruction of cockroaches with fog: advantages

Important advantages of the fog treatment technique for contaminated premises:

  • high ability of insecticides to penetrate hard-to-reach places;
  • instant destruction of cockroaches and other harmful insects;
  • penetration of the active substance into hard-to-reach places;
  • the possibility of applying the method in one step with the complete destruction of egg clutches in large premises;
  • efficiency;
  • highly effective prevention of harmful insects.

Hot way

Destruction of cockroaches with fog can be carried out using cold or hot methods. The operation of hot fog generators is based on the operating principle of a household kettle: the formation of steam from a liquid, which, when released into the environment, cools and becomes fog.

This method is called hot because of the high temperature of the solution heated by the generator (about 70 °C), under the influence of which the active chemicals act as powerfully as possible. The more microparticles of moisture there are in the environment, the more likely the fog will penetrate into all possible hiding places of insects and is guaranteed to get rid of both adult individuals and clutches of eggs. Fully hot fog settles only after 10 hours.

Operating principle of hot fog

The principle of hot treatment is to spray an insecticidal composition, which, under the influence of ambient temperature, turns into hot particles of steam and penetrates into all hard-to-reach corners. A stable invisible film formed on surfaces upon contact with an insect infects it with an insecticide, which, in turn, infects its population and dies.

Killing cockroaches with hot fog is a method, one of the advantages of which is the duration of action: the settled particles of the insecticide kill cockroaches for a fairly long period. Hot fog, used to completely destroy cockroaches in the house, according to reviews of many apartment residents, also:

  • prevents the formation of mold and mildew;
  • protects against a variety of harmful insects;
  • reduces the number of pathogenic microorganisms present in the air.

Prices for legal entities

One-time processing

50 - 100 m2from 2,400 rubles
100 – 300 m2from 30 rubles/m2
300 – 600 m2from 27 rubles/m2
600 – 1000 m2from 20 rubles/m2
1000 - more than m2Negotiable


50 - 100 m2from 2000 rubles
100 – 300 m2from 25 rubles/m2
300 – 600 m2from 21 rubles / 2
600 – 1000 m2from 18 rubles/m2
1000 - more than m2Negotiable

Applications of hot fog

Today, hot steam treatment is used for:

  • getting rid of pests (fleas, cockroaches, ticks, bedbugs) in indoor and outdoor spaces;
  • destruction of various viruses in crowded places (for example, in public transport);
  • removing bad odors.

According to reviews from apartment residents who have begun the fight against cockroaches, for 100% results it is not recommended to open the room within 2 hours after treatment.

How to contact us

You can order pest control by phone or on the website. A short period of time after completing the online application, a manager will contact you and schedule a time for sanitization.

More details about the company's services can be found directly on the website. Here you can find information regarding the range of services of the Biotrix sanitary service, and there is information about the drugs used to eliminate bedbugs and other parasites.

Write, call, order pest control services. We are ready to cooperate with everyone who asks for help.

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Against cockroaches - cold fog

The destruction of cockroaches with cold fog is based on the decomposition of the working solution into microparticles, the temperature of which is similar to the temperature of the external environment. Drops of cold fog ejected under pressure are slightly larger in size than those of hot steam, so they do not warm up and correspond to the temperature of the surrounding space. Microparticles first rush upward, then descend down, completely fill the internal space and remain in the air for 3-4 hours from the moment of treatment.

When filling a room with cold mist, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions to avoid increasing the humidity in the room too much. Destruction of cockroaches with cold fog, reviews of which still indicate the need to lower the humidity level before treatment, does not allow floors and furniture to flood. The settling droplets of the sprayed product do not leave stains or marks on textiles.

Chemistry used by specialists

As can be seen from the reviews, cold fog treatment against bedbugs with the help of specialists is the most effective. Professionals use special products, which are important to handle correctly so as not to harm your health. The best drugs include:

  • "Microfos". The product has a broad effect and can be stored for a long time. It is a professional insecticide, it contains the main component - chlorpyrifos. The drug has low toxicity, is odorless, and is considered safe for humans, birds, and animals.
  • "Fufanon." This is a professional product, so you should not use it yourself. Its toxicity class is 3. It contains an organophosphorus substance called melathion. The product kills bees and fish. Therefore, it cannot be used near these living beings. After the procedure, you need high-quality wet cleaning and ventilation for several hours.
  • "K-Otrin." The drug has a broad effect and is available in the form of granules that should be dissolved in water. The product is highly stable and effective. It leaves no traces. The active substance is deltamethrin. Its percentage is indicated on the packaging - the higher the concentration, the more effective the product.
  • Trust the professionals

    It is recommended to entrust the destruction of cockroaches with fog, reviews of which confirm the high effectiveness of this method, to organizations professionally involved in disinfection and disinfestation of premises. Of course, this method of getting rid of insects does not cause any particular difficulties, and you can do it yourself. True, this will require special equipment, the purchase of which for the purpose of one-time processing is unlikely to be economically justified. Household models of generators are available for sale, but only for treating a room with cold fog. Hot fog sprayers are manufactured exclusively for industrial use.

    Safety regulations

    The big advantage of professional pest control is its relative safety. It is within our competence to use the safest options for exterminating bedbugs with cold fog in Moscow.

    Self-sanitation can lead to intoxication of people and pets. An error in the procedure can cause allergies if the drug comes into contact with the skin or respiratory system.

    To reduce the risk, the following recommendations should be followed:

    • remove all residents of the apartment for the duration of the procedure;
    • during processing, the company employee puts on goggles, rubber gloves, a high-quality respirator that protects the respiratory system, and special clothing that covers the entire surface of the body;
    • If the drug gets on the skin or respiratory tract, you must leave the room, wash the affected area with soap and water, wash your eyes, rinse your mouth, drink water after dissolving activated carbon in it.

    As you can see, it is unsafe to use cold fog without special training. Our experienced employees know how to carry out disinfestation and what equipment is best to do it with.

    Cold and hot fog: differences

    What are the differences between hot and cold fog treatments? And which of these methods is the most effective? In the fight against cockroaches, both methods show good results. The difference lies in the size of the particles formed. Hot fog has 5-30 microns, cold fog has 30-80 microns.

    The sedimentation rate of the active substance also differs, which is lower with the hot method than with cold processing. It is recommended to exterminate cockroaches with fog only with proven insecticides. The product must not only be highly effective and not have an unpleasant lingering odor, but also be relatively safe for the occupants of the premises. The best insecticides for ridding an apartment of cockroaches are “Karbofos”, “Chlorofos”, “Pyrethrum”, “Microfos”.

    Prices for individuals

    Cold Mist + Barrier Protection

    1 room apartment + MOP2,700 rubles
    2 room apartment + MOP3,000 rubles
    3 room apartment + MOP3,200 rubles
    4 room apartment + MOP3,400 rubles
    5 room apartment + MOP3,600 rubles
    Public area (PSU) separately2,000 rubles

    Hot Mist + Barrier Protection

    1 room apartment + MOP4,500 rubles
    2 room apartment + MOP4,700 rubles
    3 room apartment + MOP4,900 rubles
    4 room apartment + MOP5,100 rubles
    5 room apartment + MOP5,300 rubles
    Public area (PSU) separately3,000 rubles

    Complex + barrier protection

    1 room apartment + MOP6,200 rubles
    2 room apartment + MOP6,600 rubles
    3 room apartment + MOP6,900 rubles
    4 room apartment + MOP7,200 rubles
    5 room apartment + MOP7,600 rubles
    Public area (PSU) separately4,000 rubles

    Recommendations before processing

    According to reviews from people who have used the method of using hot and cold steam, before carrying out the treatment it is recommended:

    • remove all food from the open space, carefully pack dishes and personal hygiene products;
    • move furniture away from the walls;
    • remove paintings and carpets from the walls;
    • cover computers and electrical appliances with polyethylene or thick cloth;
    • close the ventilation hatches leading into the apartment with bars, which will prevent the migration of cockroaches from neighboring rooms;
    • seal existing cracks in any way;
    • carry out wet cleaning.

    During the treatment period, people and existing livestock should be removed from the premises. If one of the residents decides to monitor the work of the exterminator, he should wear a respirator and special clothing.

    Actions after fogging

    After treatment, when the drops of the active substance have completely settled, it will be necessary to ventilate all rooms. For an ordinary apartment, access to fresh air should be provided for at least 1-2 hours. Then you will need to dispose of the processed products, wipe with soapy water the places that the residents of the premises constantly touch: door handles, chairs, countertops, dining table, sink, stove. In order to give the substance time to act, it is not recommended to wash floors for 10 days after disinfestation; Washing of walls and baseboards can be organized 3 weeks after the cockroaches have been exterminated with hot fog. Reviews indicate that treating an apartment using a generator is very convenient, as it allows you to effectively destroy parasites in a short time.

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