Why don’t we use “cold fog” and “hot fog” generators in apartments

When cockroaches appear in an apartment, people immediately buy crayons, aerosols, traps and other drugs against them in stores. Unfortunately, over the years insects have developed resistance to the products; they are useless and only accelerate their reproduction. The right decision would be to call a pest control service that uses fog to kill cockroaches. Can be used hot or cold. The process is not complicated, but quite effective. After treating the room in this way, the cockroaches will disappear immediately.

Cold fog technology concept

The use of cold fog against cockroaches allows you to solve the following problems:

  • Completely destroy insects indoors;
  • Process complex objects, these include warehouses and storage facilities;
  • Destroy mold and fungi.

Treatment against cockroaches should be carried out exclusively by sanitary workers; they will correctly calculate the concentration of the toxic component and carry out disinfestation with a generator. The technology of the process is simple: a cloud consisting of small particles appears in the generator, they fly out of the device, settle on the surface, and have a detrimental effect on arthropods.

The size of the droplets is 50 microns, they are located in the air masses for about 4 hours. The particles are equally distributed throughout the apartment, ending up in secluded and hard-to-reach areas. The temperature of particles emitted from the generator is equal to the ambient temperature. Cold fog treatment is harmful to cockroaches for several hours after the process, since the particles remain active until completely dry.

Cold mist against cockroaches has the following benefits:

  • Economical use of a solution containing toxic particles;
  • Possibility of processing rooms containing flammable drugs and objects that cannot withstand high temperatures;
  • Works evenly over the entire area;
  • Environmentally friendly.

The following preparations are used as a working solution:

  • Solfak (emulsion, quickly dissolves, active substance – cyfluthrin);
  • DET (emulsion containing three active substances - esbiotrin, deltamethrin, tetramethrin);
  • Otrin (suspension, containing deltamethrin).

The products have a 4th degree of danger and are completely harmless to people and pets. Approved for use in private houses and apartments.

Features of room treatment with cold fog

Poisoning arthropods using cold fog has the following features:

  • Increases the level of humidity in the room; before work, measures should be taken to reduce it;
  • The process eliminates flooding of floors, walls and furniture, so there will be no damage to the interior of the apartment;
  • Poisonous particles instantly destroy them at the slightest contact with insects;
  • An arthropod that comes into contact with a poisonous droplet infects the colony along a chain, the reaction spreading like a virus.

Poisoning cockroaches using this method is appropriate if there is a small degree of insect infestation in a house or apartment. After fog treatment, ventilate the apartment, wipe surfaces with which people often come into contact, and leave hard-to-reach places for 10–12 days.

Precautionary measures

If the treatment is carried out by specialists, then precautions are limited to preparing the apartment, leaving it for the necessary time and general cleaning after the procedure.

If you decide to poison cockroaches with cold fog yourself, you need to take care of protection:

  • clothing should cover the entire body - long trousers, a jacket with long sleeves;
  • closed shoes;
  • a hat or hood covering the hair;
  • gloves;
  • protective mask or respirator, goggles.

The main thing is to prevent the insecticide from getting on the skin, eyes, or respiratory tract.

Hot steam technique

Devices used to process hot steam operate on the principle of a kettle. They heat the solution, it turns into steam, and under the influence of ambient temperature it turns into fog. It is formed both from solutions in a liquid state and from dry substances.

Hot mist from cockroaches has a temperature of 70 degrees, the molecules move much faster than with other indicators, the effect on the insect occurs in a matter of seconds. The steam generator is characterized by high power, disinfection is carried out faster. The size of the resulting particles is 30 microns, they penetrate into the most secluded corners of the apartment. The action of toxic substances is active even after treatment, since the particles work after they settle on the surface.

Hot fog against cockroaches is so effective that they die while exterminators are working. Killing cockroaches with hot fog does not affect the price; it is the same for any substance or solution used.


It is no coincidence that dry fog is considered the most effective way to kill harmful insects. Many companies professionally engaged in pest control purchase devices and liquids to create cold steam.

Positive points:

  • high speed of room processing – 15–20 minutes is enough;
  • microparticles penetrate into any zones and structures;
  • long-term inhalation effect is the result of slow sedimentation of microparticles of the drug;
  • cold fog envelops all surfaces, including the ceiling;
  • no traces after spraying: the drops are so small that there are no stains on cabinets, upholstered furniture, wallpaper, flooring, documentation, folders in office premises;
  • the optimal level of humidity is maintained, objects do not experience a negative impact (the surface does not get wet);
  • the residual effect of the insecticide lasts from 40 to 60 days (depending on the brand of the drug);
  • product consumption is reduced several times compared to traditional processing;
  • no need to move furniture: microparticles “cover” the entire treatment area;
  • there is no human contact with dangerous insecticides;
  • “fog therapy” against harmful insects helps even in cases where compounds with a high toxicity class are ineffective.

Preparing an apartment for disinfestation

Destruction of cockroaches with any fog requires preparatory work. To do this you should do:

  • Pack all things and products tightly so that air particles cannot penetrate into them;
  • Clean the room, wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth, wash the floors, remove large particles of debris;
  • Remove all living plants and flowers from the room, as during fog treatment they will die due to the toxic particles contained in the composition;
  • Make minor repairs, eliminate all cracks and crevices, make sure that insects cannot get out of the room being treated;
  • Arrange the furniture so that it is convenient to carry out the destruction of cockroaches with any fog; it is unacceptable for objects to interfere with the process; also remove all paintings and frames located on the walls;
  • Remove animals from the premises where they are planning to work;
  • If steam treatment is carried out, remove all objects and things that cannot withstand hot temperatures;
  • Close the windows; there should be no open ventilation modes.

Do not forget that working with dry fog or another type leads to an increase in humidity significantly, so before the process, try to reduce the moisture levels in the apartment. It is better to leave the premises during the work to avoid negative effects on the body, since a person may be allergic to any component of the product used. The presence of children during disinsection is unacceptable; they should not come into contact with toxic substances in the solution, since the molecules can burn the mucous membranes, which will lead to dire consequences.

Why do ants bother you in your dacha?

It is very important to note that where there are a lot of aphids on plants, there will be ants, and there will be a lot of them. After all, aphids are also a source of nutritious protein for them - molasses, which is secreted by aphids. Therefore, ants do not so much feed on the aphids themselves as they jealously protect them, thereby allowing them to multiply on crops. Thus, both of them are the main destroyers of cultivated plants, especially young ones. Before you have time to plant the seedlings, aphids and ants have already attacked it, and it dies in a matter of days. To destroy ants means to deprive the aphids of safety, which will also soon die.

Sanitary and Epidemiological Service

It is better to entrust the destruction of cockroaches in an apartment to a special service. Factors contributing to this:

  • Specialists use professional equipment, which can be in the form of powerful generators or steam cleaners, and all equipment is certified, in good working order, and will not fail during the process;
  • Exterminators know what a cockroach infestation is; based on their work experience, they quickly identify a cluster of insects; they are not afraid if there are a lot of them; in addition, when working they use protective suits that prevent the penetration of toxic substances into the human body;
  • The substances used, thanks to which the destruction of cockroaches is carried out with cold fog, are inaccessible to the common person, they are located in the laboratories of the epidemiological service, they cannot be bought in a simple hardware store;
  • Specialists using professional equipment will be able to spray toxic components in the most inaccessible places that a person cannot treat with his own efforts.

The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service accepts applications for the treatment of premises in different ways:

  • Call the phone number during business hours, available information on the official website, leave a request, agree on the time of work;
  • In the form of an application by email.

In addition, the epidemiological service accepts anonymous requests if a cluster of cockroaches is found in an apartment. In this case, specialists go to the specified address and carry out work; the consent of the apartment owners is not required for this.

Causes of appearance and methods of control

Cockroaches can enter an apartment through the water supply.
The reasons for the appearance of cockroaches can be:

  • An excess of individuals in the colony, due to which they lack food, or their destruction in their previous place. For example, if insects begin to be poisoned in a neighboring apartment, they can actively move to other apartments on the floor;
  • Available food and water: crumbs, left-over table scraps, occasional garbage disposal;
  • Comfortable temperature for living or breeding;
  • The presence of cracks through which you can get inside.

Important! Cockroaches can enter an apartment through the garbage disposal, sockets, water supply, they can be brought from the street in a bag or brought in a suitcase from a trip.

You can destroy insects in different ways:

  • Folk remedies: this includes repelling with strong odors (melissa, geranium, mint, eucalyptus, lemon, you can also use gasoline and turpentine), using cold (at −10 degrees, pests die), making homemade traps (for example, from a bottle with bait, from which is impossible to get out), toxic mixtures (for example, boric acid and raw yolk).
  • Chemical poisons: they are more dangerous for humans and animals, but also much more effective. In addition, if there is not enough poison, cockroaches adapt and do not react to it. Available in the form of aerosols, gels, crayons.
  • Traps are cardboard houses with glue or poison inside. The pest either sticks and dies inside, or eats the bait and is poisoned.
  • Ultrasounds are small devices that produce high-frequency sound. It irritates the cockroaches and forces them to flee.
  • Pest control: professionals use extremely toxic compounds that are guaranteed to kill insects.


If a cold mist from cockroaches is used, an amazing effect is observed, as evidenced by the reviews of many apartment owners.

Katya, Moscow After arthropods appeared in the apartment, I couldn’t get them out for a long time. I used methods that did not bring success. I decided to contact a specialized company; the exterminators responded to the request quickly. After 2 days they arrived, treated with cold fog, after which insects no longer appeared in the apartment.

Victoria, Peter As soon as we noticed cockroaches in the apartment, without hesitation, we contacted the epidemiological service. For processing we chose cold fog, the active substance is cyfluthrin. Specialists carried out work even in the most inaccessible places, insects disappeared from the house forever.

The appearance of cockroaches in an apartment is an unpleasant problem that needs to be solved quickly. To achieve results after the first treatment, you should use powerful preparations in the form of a fog, the particles of which kill arthropods instantly.

Calling professionals

It is better to entrust poisoning of cockroaches with cold fog to specialists. This solution will be optimal for a number of reasons:

  • exterminators use more powerful, professional, certified equipment;
  • specialists use effective drugs that cannot be purchased in a regular store;
  • The professionals have accumulated a wealth of experience, which allows them to choose the most suitable product and carry out the treatment quickly and efficiently.

The financial aspect is also important. To destroy cockroaches yourself, you will have to purchase equipment, the cost of which is several times higher than the cost of exterminator services.

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