Vectra 3D insectoacaricidal drops for dogs 1.5-4 kg 3 pips/pack.

Composition of the drug

Vectra 3D is an insectoacaricidal agent designed to protect dogs from diseases spread by ectoparasites: ixodid ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, lice. It also works as a repellent, repelling blood-sucking pests and preventing them from biting. The drops contain three active ingredients:

  1. Dinotefuron is a neurotoxin that acts on the receptors of the nervous system of the ectoparasite, thereby leading to its death. It belongs to the class of neonicotinoids.
  2. Permethrin is a well-known pyrethroid often used in insecticide formulations. It blocks the nerve impulses of parasites, which subsequently leads to their paralysis and death.
  3. Pyriproxyfen is a pseudohormone that regulates the development of insects. It disrupts the life cycle of parasites in stages from egg to adult and prevents their reproduction on the pet’s skin.


Vectra 3D drops against ticks cannot be used on cats and other pets. They are designed specifically for dogs.

Vectra 3D anti-tick drops
The advantage of these drops is that they tend to accumulate in the dog’s skin and sebaceous glands. This allows them to protect against tick bites and possible viral infection for a long time. According to the degree of impact of tick drops for dogs, Vectra belongs to hazard class 3, which is a moderately dangerous level.

Ceva Vectra 3D drops for dogs against ticks and fleas

COMPOSITION AND FORM OF RELEASE Insectoacaricidal drops for the treatment and prevention of diseases caused by ectoparasites (ticks, fleas, mosquitoes) in dogs, containing dinotefuran, permethrin, pyriproxyfen as active ingredients. The drug is produced in unique pipettes with an elongated and rounded applicator, which are packaged in cardboard boxes of 3 pieces.

PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES Vectra 3D belongs to the group of insectoacaricidal preparations for external use. Permethrin, which is part of Vectra 3D, is a synthetic pyrethroid, the mechanism of action of which is to block the transmission of nerve impulses in the parasite by changing the permeability of membranes to sodium ions, which leads to irreversible paralysis and death of arthropod parasites. Dinotefuron is a guanidine derivative, belongs to the neonicotinoid class of neurotoxins, acts on postsynaptic acetylcholine receptors of the nervous system, causing the death of insects. Dinotefuran is especially active against numerous species of hemipteran insects. Pyriproxyfen is an analogue of juvenile hormone that regulates the growth and development of insects, incl. fleas The mechanism of its action is to disrupt the normal cycle of insect metamorphosis: egg - larva - pupa - adult. After skin application of the drug, the active components accumulate in the epidermis, hair follicles and sebaceous glands of the animal’s body and have a long-term contact insectoacaricidal effect, preventing insect bites that are carriers of blood-parasitic diseases. In terms of the degree of impact on the body, Vectra 3D is classified as a moderately hazardous substance (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76). In case of contact with eyes, causes moderate irritation.

INDICATIONS FOR USE Vectra 3D is used in dogs to combat animal ectoparasites: fleas, lice, lice, mosquitoes, mosquitoes, ixodid ticks. It is advisable to begin treatment of allergic dermatitis caused by flea bites with the use of Vectra 3D.


Directions for use: Remove the pipette. Holding the pipette vertically, place the thumb and forefinger of one hand under the large applicator disk, with the other hand, take the applicator tip over the small disk and firmly press down all the way into the large disk, piercing the membrane sealing the pipette. Having parted the animal's fur, apply the drug to dry, intact skin at several points along the spine so that the animal cannot lick the drug. Doses and number of application sites are indicated in the table.

Dog body weight, kg Pipettes, ml Number of pipettes, pieces Number of application sites
1.5 — 4.0 0.8 1 1
4.1 — 10.0 1.6 1 2
10.1 — 25.0 3.6 1 3
25.1 — 40.0 4.7 1 3
40.1 — 65.0 8.0 1 4

Repeated treatments are recommended to be carried out regularly throughout the year, but not more often than once every 30 days.

In order to prevent re-infestation by fleas, the animal's bedding is replaced or treated with an insecticidal agent in accordance with the instructions for use.

An overdose of the drug may cause disturbances in the central nervous system (depression, tremor, ataxia). It is recommended to immediately wash off the drug with soap, rinse the animal’s fur with plenty of running water, and prescribe symptomatic treatment.

The drug should not be applied to wet or damaged skin and should not be used simultaneously with other insectoacaricidal drugs.

The animal should not be washed for 48 hours after treatment.

The drug is not intended for food producing animals.


With proper use and dosage, side effects are usually not observed. In some cases, increased salivation and slight redness of the skin at the site of application of the drug are possible; these symptoms disappear spontaneously within a few hours and do not require treatment.


A contraindication to the use of Vectra 3D is the individual hypersensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug. If allergic reactions occur in an animal sensitive to the components of the drug, the drug should be thoroughly washed off with soap and the fur should be rinsed with plenty of running water, and if necessary, antihistamines should be prescribed and symptomatic treatment should be carried out.

The use of the drug in puppies under 7 weeks of age, dogs weighing less than 1.5 kg, weakened and old animals, as well as pregnant and lactating bitches is allowed only after consultation with a veterinarian.

The use of the drug in cats is strictly prohibited!


The specific effects of the drug upon its first use and upon its withdrawal have not been established. The drug is intended for single use.


Store the drug in unopened manufacturer's packaging, in a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children and animals, separately from food and feed, at a temperature from 0°C to +25°C.

, France.

Directions for use and dosage

Tick ​​drops are intended for use on dogs and are packaged in pipettes of various sizes. Each design option corresponds to a specific weight of the dog. The instructions for Vectra 3D tick drops provide information on the correct ratio of the volume of pipettes and the weight of the dog.

Dog weight, kgPipette volume, ml, average price for a package with three pipettes, rub.
1,5 – 40,8 – 1370
4,1 – 101,6 – 1550
10,1 – 253,6 – 1640
25,1 – 404,7 – 1770
40,1 – 658,0 – 2200

On a note!

For small dog breeds weighing up to 4 kg, one application of the drug is sufficient. For medium and large animals, it is recommended to apply the product in 2-3 places that are not accessible for the pet to lick.

Before use, be sure to read the instructions and find out the exact weight of your pet. A pipette of the appropriate volume must be printed by piercing the membrane. Apply the drug to dry skin on the dog’s withers or back. After application, it is not recommended to wash your pet for 48 hours.

Use of the drug Vectra 3D

The complex composition of the drug reliably protects your four-legged friend from ectoparasites for 30 days from the date of use. It also has a healing effect on previous insect or arthropod bites. After a month, you can reapply the drug, maintaining the same dosage. In order for the treatment to be more effective, you should wash or replace the bedding, towel, and soft fabric toys where parasites may be located on the same day.

Vectra 3D insectoacaricidal drops for dogs 1.5-4 kg 3 pips/pack.

5 types S, M, L, XL, XXL (0.8 ml/1.5-4 kg, 1.6 ml/4.1-10 kg, 1.6 ml/10.1-25 kg, 4, 7 ml/25.1-40 kg, 8.0 ml/40.1-65 kg)


Insectoacaricidal drops for the treatment and prevention of diseases caused by ectoparasites (ticks, fleas, mosquitoes) in dogs, containing dinotefuran, permethrin, pyriproxyfen as active ingredients. They are produced in unique 0.8 ml pipettes with an elongated and rounded applicator, which are packaged in cardboard boxes of 3 pieces.


Vectra 3D belongs to the group of insectoacaricidal preparations for external use. Permethrin, which is part of Vectra 3D, is a synthetic pyrethroid, the mechanism of action of which is to block the transmission of nerve impulses in the parasite by changing the permeability of membranes to sodium ions, which leads to irreversible paralysis and death of arthropod parasites.

Dinotefuron is a guanidine derivative, belongs to the neonicotinoid class of neurotoxins, acts on postsynaptic acetylcholine receptors of the nervous system, causing the death of insects. Dinotefuran is especially active against numerous species of hemipteran insects.

Pyriproxyfen is an analogue of juvenile hormone that regulates the growth and development of insects, incl. fleas The mechanism of its action is to disrupt the normal cycle of insect metamorphosis: egg - larva - pupa - adult.

After skin application of the drug, the active components accumulate in the epidermis, hair follicles and sebaceous glands of the animal’s body and have a long-term contact insectoacaricidal effect, preventing insect bites that are carriers of blood-parasitic diseases.

In terms of the degree of impact on the body, Vectra 3D is classified as a moderately hazardous substance (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76). In case of contact with eyes, causes moderate irritation.


Vectra 3D is used for dogs to combat animal ectoparasites: fleas, lice, lice, mosquitoes, mosquitoes, ixodid ticks. It is advisable to begin treatment of allergic dermatitis caused by flea bites with the use of Vectra 3D.


Directions for use: Remove the pipette. Holding the pipette vertically, place the thumb and forefinger of one hand under the large applicator disk, with the other hand, take the applicator tip over the small disk and firmly press down all the way into the large disk, piercing the membrane sealing the pipette.

Having parted the animal's fur, apply the drug to dry, intact skin at 1-2 points along the spine so that the animal cannot lick the drug.

Repeated treatments are recommended to be carried out regularly throughout the year, but not more often than once every 30 days.

In order to prevent re-infestation by fleas, the animal's bedding is replaced or treated with an insecticidal agent in accordance with the instructions for use.

An overdose of the drug may cause disturbances in the central nervous system (depression, tremor, ataxia). It is recommended to immediately wash off the drug with soap, rinse the animal’s fur with plenty of running water, and prescribe symptomatic treatment.

The drug should not be applied to wet or damaged skin and should not be used simultaneously with other insectoacaricidal drugs.

The animal should not be washed for 48 hours after treatment.

The drug is not intended for food producing animals.


With proper use and dosage, side effects are usually not observed. In some cases, increased salivation and slight redness of the skin at the site of application of the drug are possible; these symptoms disappear spontaneously within a few hours and do not require treatment.


A contraindication to the use of Vectra 3D is the individual hypersensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug. If allergic reactions occur in an animal sensitive to the components of the drug, the drug should be thoroughly washed off with soap and the fur should be rinsed with plenty of running water, and if necessary, antihistamines should be prescribed and symptomatic treatment should be carried out.

The use of the drug in puppies under 7 weeks of age, dogs weighing less than 1.5 kg, weakened and old animals, as well as pregnant and lactating bitches is allowed only after consultation with a veterinarian.

The use of the drug in cats is strictly prohibited!


The specific effects of the drug upon its first use and upon its withdrawal have not been established. The drug is intended for single use.


Store the drug in unopened manufacturer's packaging, in a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children and animals, separately from food and feed, at a temperature from 0°C to +25°C.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Vectra 3D anti-tick drops are not recommended for use:

  • puppies under 2 months of age;
  • pregnant and lactating bitches;
  • sick animals, or those who have recently suffered from an illness;
  • older dogs over 10 years old;
  • pets with skin damage, scratches, or skin irritation;
  • animals whose weight is less than 1.5 kg;
  • four-legged friends prone to allergic reactions.

If there is a serious need to protect your family pet from ticks, but he is at risk, you should consult a veterinarian. The specialist will assess the furry patient’s condition and prescribe a dose that is safe for his health. If redness of the skin appears after applying the anti-tick product or overdose, you need to thoroughly wash the animal with a special shampoo and show it to the veterinarian.

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